Our Services

Public acceptance and siting are slowing the clean energy industry’s ability to rapidly deploy projects needed to meet our country’s climate goals. To strengthen any proposal for federal funding or to an off-taker, standards for community engagement need to be exemplary.

To ensure the positive impact is identified prior to the introduction of concept to any given community, the Mana Group offers the following services: 

  • Diagnostics.

    Community Benefit Plans and community engagement strategies follow strict guidelines from funding partners. The Mana Group critically reviews strategies developed to engage communities of interest in complying with these guidelines. Whether in the form of a funding opportunity announcement, notice of funding announcement, or standards provided by the private sector, the team ensures the draft plan is aligned with the funder/partner's mission, goals, and impact standards. 

  • Strength Strategy.

    Once the analysis is performed, the adequacy of the plan will be revealed, which may require strengthening of concept to get the plan to a state that warrants approval. The Mana Group offers strategy to strengthen any proposal from basic tactics to potential partner support.

  • Metrics.

    Engagement efforts need to show impact. The Mana Group will support goal-setting and tracking to ensure the story of impact is realized and easily communicated. 

  • Stakeholder Engagement.

    Engaging stakeholders enables municipal and county officials to collect diverse viewpoints from community members. These insights help identify effective solutions to address community concerns and garner support for renewable energy development.

If you would like to learn more about our experience and services, please contact us.